
Sunday, 9 January 2011


Morning! Just thought I'd share some photo's with you. I love working at Tapton Lock because it might literally be surrounded by roads and railway line but we get some great wildlife - especially birds. But in all the time I've worked there this is only the third time I have seen waxwings, and the first time I have had the camera with me. So here are just a few of those photo's - I've not done anything with them other than download and now upload them, and the light wasn't the best yesterday.......

Four or five trees were temporary homes like this one.


You can see their "tufts" here; that "just got out of bed" look!

Feeding on the berries on the tree. If I'd spent longer getting to know my camera I'd have got a better photo than this - they kept moving! LOL!

Beautiful colouring not very clear here.

Hope you enjoyed looking? Speak soon. xx

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